Thursday, July 20, 2017

Wednesday July 19, 2017

Blog time 1015 at Panera

We are out of bed at 0630. Looks like a other nice day ahead.

Nancy heads to MVP and I do calisthenics at home. Breakfast and some reading before Nancy comes home at 0915. AJ was still sleeping. Nancy made quick work getting her up.

I pedaled to Panera. The parking lot was full. I think business folks have early morning meeting at Panera.

From the morning papers:

President Macron faced his first test by firing the Defense Chief. It is not going to get easier for Mr Macron.

The cost of social programs especially social security is bankrupting many countries. The U.K. just announced that the retirement age for SS for folks under 45 has been raised from 61 to 68.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. We have scheduled a trip to the Ionia Free Fair this afternoon for AJ and me. However, at the last minute AJ said she did not want to go. Despite my persuasion she still refused. My skills dealing with nine year olds are not good.

I did have time to do a load of laundry, check bank accounts and take out the trash.

1700,I am sitting on our deck drinking a glass of wine. The temperature is a balmy 88.

Light dinner tonight and then will watch the news. I read in the London papers the pay for news readers at the BBC. Their salaries are paltry compared to what the major US networks pay their readers.

Will finish the evening watching a show on either Netflix or Acorn.

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