Monday, July 10, 2017

Saturday July 8, 2017

Blog time 1535 sitting on deck:

Nancy and I slept in until nearly 0700 this morning. AJ and Missy were still sound asleep.

We dressed and walked to Panera for our usual Saturday morning breakfast.

Missy owns a little company that manufactures bicycle gloves. She had to mail a dozen to Seoul, Korea. So the two of us got in the Escape and headed first to Staples for a mailing package. Made a pit stop at Starbucks so Missy could get a Mocha and a breakfast sandwich. Final stop was the Lake Drive Post Office. In order to mail the package Missy had to fill out custom forms and several other forms necessary for an overseas mailing.

On our way home we drove through the old neighborhood. Missy thought it looked great except for all the downed trees and branches from Thursday’s big storm. Power was still out in the Breton Village area. The street lights were not working and several businesses were closed.

While gone Nancy was busy doing laundry and fixing AJ a bacon and eggs breakfast.

Nancy is tie dyeing several tee shirts for AJ. They headed out to Hobby Lobby for materials and Meijer's for tee shirts. I got out the Bad Boy for a bike ride.

Today I rode the Ada route. Along the path between Ada Drive and Cascade I encountered a five month old spotted fawn about five feet from the path. By the time I stopped the bike to get my cell it had run off. Bummer. Today I rode 12 miles.

Spent some time reading papers. G20 meeting still dominates the news. Trump met with Putin today and POTUS said it went great. Who knows!

For dinner tonight Nancy grilled hamburgs and vegetables. Very tasty.

After dinner AJ grabbed a butterfly net and we headed out to explore several ponds owned by the condo association. AJ netted a big bull frog. The highlight of the trip so far.

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