Monday, July 24, 2017

Saturday July 22, 2017

Blog time 2105 Sunday sitting in hotel room;

Experiencing some jet lag.

Hotel’s complimentary breakfast does not open until 0700. Several folks including me waiting for it to open. Good yogurt and oatmeal, bad scrambled eggs and the rest just average.

The hotel is full so glad we got down early. The breakfast room was full by 0800.

In morning we visited upscale mall in Manhattan Beach, after we drove around the Manhattan Beach area.

Had snacks for lunch back at hotel. This evening we are meeting son Steve, wife Veronica, and kids Lucas and Alessandra for dinner in Seal Beach. Nancy and I left early for Seal Beach.

I had forgotten that July is the peak beach going season in CA. The beaches were full. Spent some time looking for a parking place.

Nancy and I walked the Seal Beach Pier. Beautiful day for spending time at the beach.

We met Steve and family at the Hangout Bar at 1700. The Bar was full so we walked down Main Street and found a nice Irish Pub. The Pub was full but they found us a table. I had their fish and chips with a glass of Guinness. The rest had standard American fare.

After dinner we walk along the beach until 1900 when we headed to a local recreation center. Grandson Lucas’s BB team has an eight o'clock game. The Rec Center had four BB courts and they all had games. Lucas plays in a 10U league. He had a good game. He made three 3 point shots and several layups. His team won a close game.

It was dark when we headed back to the hotel. Luckily I had my special night driving glasses. They worked great. No glare.

A busy but fun day in Southern CA. Weather was in high 70s with a light breeze.

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