Thursday, July 20, 2017

Thursday July 20, 2017

Blog time 1000 at Panera

For first time in ages it was raining this morning. I did calisthenics at home. Nancy did not swim this morning because of the rain.

After breakfast I put on my raincoat and walked to Panera. I do not ride bike in rain.

The Brown Trout festival in Alpena dominated their news. For the first time in years someone caught the one trout with a special tag. It was worth $25,000.

BRexit dominates news in U.K.

John McCain is a hero to me. Sorry to read about his health problems. Get well soon.

Kathi Kothe is taking AJ out for breakfast.

Nancy is starting to pack for tomorrow's trip to CA. Must be fully packed today because we head to the airport tomorrow at 0415.

Made a quick detour to the bank on my walk home. Early lunch and then headed to Doctor Santos office. Dr Santos is an optical(?) neurologist. He is treating my double vision problem. Since my cataract surgery my double vision is gone. It could be temporary according to the doctor.

When I got home I was surprised to see that our Drive was blocked off. The maintenance folks had sprayed a bituminous seal over the Drive. It was an unneeded application because our Drive was paved last year. However our neighbor had insisted.

Drove Nancy to the bank to get cash for our trip. We had dinner at JT’s Pizza tonight. We ordered a ham and pineapple pizza. Great pizza.

I put our bags in the Escape tonight. The alarm is set for 0400.

We watched a Dr Blake Mystery before turning in.

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