Monday, July 3, 2017

Sunday July 2, 2017

Weekend Update: July 2, 1715 sitting in living room watching it rain

Saturday July 1: Another nice summer day. Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. Most folks must be out of town for the 4th because the place was empty.

At home I put on my biking clothes and headed out. I loaded the single speed in the Escape and drove to Millennium Park. This is my first ride in Millennium in 2017. The trails were crowded with a lot of families. I rode 18 miles.

Millennium is an example of good urban planning. The park before development was played out gravel pits, numerous small working oil wells and several high voltage lines that traverse it. The planners made fishing and swimming areas out of the old gravel pits. The paved trails avoid the oil wells. The lakes yesterday were crowded with swimmers, kayakers and fishermen. Several new trails have opened since my last ride. The park is a jewel.

Of course while I enjoyed my bike ride Nancy was doing the laundry.

Nancy and I took Ms P on her walk. I think her torn ACL has healed. Shower and then lunch. Spent some time reading the papers. Not much to comment on. I think most news folks are taking a break.

Nancy and I met Tom and Linda Moleski at Charlie’s for dinner. Tom and I had their smelt basket and Nancy and Linda had a sandwich. Pleasant evening.

Got word this afternoon that Grandson Lucas had hit his first home run. Debbie face timed us and we spent some time catching up. We watched an episode of Hamish McBeth on Acorn before turning in.

Sunday July 2: Up at 0630 and get ready for our busy morning. We were waiting in line when the Y opened at 0800. Nancy swam and I did calisthenics and a mile run.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee. At 1000 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 1030 service. I told Nancy that I thought the service would be crowded despite it being a holiday weekend. I was right.

We stopped at Meijer's for supplies. I filled up the Escape. Gas was $2.29.

I took a walk around the block before lunch followed by my Sunday nap.

We forgot to get apples this morning so I got on my bike and headed to Meijer’s. I made it home just as it was starting to rain.

Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. Love beans and rice.

Read the GRP and watched an episode of Jack Taylor on Netflix before turning in.

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