Sunday, July 16, 2017

Thursday July 13, 2017

Blog time 0930 sitting in breakfast room Fairfield Inn, Gaylord

It is cloudy and grey in Gaylord this morning, temp is 60 with a high expected of 65. Rain starting this afternoon.

Nancy and I had the motel’s complimentary breakfast this morning. We gave it a B.

We have not heard from my sister yet. Today’s highlight will be the 50th Wedding Anniversary for Helen and Don this evening. About 70 guests are expected.

I did have chance to read the news this morning. Several articles caught my eye:

former Brazilian President de Silvia was sentenced to prison. De Silvia was a very popular President and was expected to run again.

The WSJ reported that banks still have not raised interest rates for depositors. The Feds policy have hurt seniors like Bob and Nancy.

China’s housing market is booming and home prices are rising. The average home price is now 44 times the average annual income. The rule of thump when Nancy and I bought our first home was that the price should not exceed 2.5 times annual earnings. Will China implode?

This afternoon Nancy and I took the three girls, AJ, Emma and Kennedy, to Alpenfest. They all participated in the Hula Hoop contest. AJ and Emma were in the 8 and 9 year bracket and Kennedy was in the 10-11 bracket. They all got a prize. They also tried their hand at the basketball shooting game. No prizes.

It sprinkled most of the afternoon. Temperature was a chilly 61. I put on long pants.

The big event of the day was Helen and Don Crandall’s 50th anniversary. It was also the 50th anniversary of the Anderson’s, friends of Helen and Don for years.

As mentioned yesterday, Don had three cousins from Homer, Mi and Colorado Springs. Also daughter Shirley and Shirley’s grand daughter, Emma.

Helen’s family included Nancy and brother Bob and their grand daughter Akerke.

Helen and Don’s family included son Jason and daughter Kennedy and his sister, Jennifer, with her three daughters.

Because of the sprinkles, most of the event was held in Helen and Don’s big open air garage. In addition, several awnings were put up to handle the overflow.

The party was well attended. Buffet style dinner, pulled pork sandwiches and all the fixing. Home made blueberry pie and a special anniversary cake for dessert.

A very pleasant evening complete with bon fire and roasting marshmallows. Great summer day in northern Michigan.

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