Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tuesday July 18, 2017

Blog time 1130 sitting at Panera:

Happy Birthday Stephen! Today is Steve’s 44th birthday. I remember clearly the day he was born. It was a beautiful sunny July day. I took Nancy to the hospital in mid morning. Nancy had a big smile on her face when she told me it was a boy. Fond memories.

Today we both got up at 0630. Nancy headed out for her early swim at MVP and I did the calisthenics at home. Nancy returned home at 0900. We talked about this afternoon’s activities and agreed either a swim at Millennium Park or the GR Public Museum.

I got on the Bad Boy and pedaled to Panera. The speedometer showed 10 miles.

The Alpena News and London paper had no substantial news that I want to comment on. I did find interesting that the Daily Mail reported that PM Putin takes a bath in the blood from the antlers of the Maral Deer. This bath is suppose to enhance male health. Yeah right!

The WSJ reported on the Republican’ inability to pass a health bill. The GOP is unable to act as a unified party. So far all we have seen is total disarray. No infrastructure, tax reform or health bill. A major disappointment to all us moderates.

I think we need a new party. Both the Dems and GOP are an embarrassment.

Another article I found interesting was a report that frequent sleep interruption can lead to Alzheimer's. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea about ten months ago. At the time of my training to use a CPAC machine they mentioned the possible connection between Alzheimer's and sleep interruption. Today’s report confirms the connection.

Got home at noon and Nancy announced a change of plans. She and AJ are going to Kathi’s for a swim. Her next door neighbor is bringing her grandkids.

I ran several errands. Stopped at bank to get money for Kim who is taking Ms P on Thursday, bought a bottle of Vodka for Kathi, and stopped at Apple Store to buy a simple cover for my new iPad.

I got a call from the Dermatologist saying that I have to have more work done on a spot on the right arm. Scheduled the work for Thursday July 27.

Took a 30 minute nap, pressed several pair of khakis and starting packing for our Friday trip to CA. Nancy and AJ got home at 1745. Light dinner followed by some time watching the news and reading the GRP. AJ reluctantly took a bath.

The temp reached 90 today. We have the AC on for the first time in several weeks.
Had tamales for dinner, watched the news and took a walk around the block before settling down. We are now watching Hamish McBeth on Acorn. I don't know if the show is a comedy or crime show.

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