Saturday, July 29, 2017

Friday July 28, 2017

Blog time 1855 sitting in den

Last Friday of the month and what a busy month it has been. We have had some incredible weather. In fact the nice weather will continue through the month.

Nancy headed out for MVP early this morning.

Up at 0630; because of my recent surgery no push ups or chin-ups for two weeks. I did do some sit-ups and leg raises at home this morning. No Y today.

Biked directly to Panera using my hilly route. Total distance 10 miles.

Despite all the confusion in DC, the country keeps moving on. Stock market is doing ok. Unemployment is down, and progress is being made on climate change. The cost of wind energy is coming down and new wind farms are coming online every day. The cost of Electric cars are now within reach of middle class folks.

POTUS has appointed a new communications director. Mr Scaramucci has to control his language. So far I am not impressed.

Later today POTUS appointed a new Chief of Staff. I think General Kelly is a good choice.

Was John McCann’s health care vote a pay back for President Trump’s insults?

Kim was still cleaning when I got home, so we headed to Costco, bought cheese, trash bags, naan bread and rotisserie chicken. Quick lunch followed by a walk around the block and then a short nap.

Nancy fixed the rotisserie chicken with a potato and sliced tomatoes. It was great. We each had a slice of pizza leftover from last night.

Watched the news and then got on my bike and headed to Meijer's. I cashed in a winning lottery ticket, $7.00.

We are now watching a Helen West drama on Acorn.

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