Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Sunday July 23, 2017

Blog time 2145 sitting in hotel room

We both got up at 0630. Had the hotel’s complimentary breakfast.

Today we are visiting the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, CA. We left at 0900 and arrived at 1015. The parking lot was almost full.

It is a great facility in a beautiful setting. We really enjoyed all the exhibits dealing with the life and accomplishments of President Reagan. From early boyhood in Dixon, IL, to his movie career, military service, Governor of CA and finally President. The museum had the actual Air Force1 plane and I enjoyed walking through it.

The one thing I took away from this visit was how civil President Reagan was to all folks he had to deal with. The entire political establishment had respect for opponents. Maybe we should make our current elected federal officials take a lesson from President Reagan.

We noted as we were leaving that the parking lot was full and cars were being parked on both sides of the entrance road for over a mile. Timing is everything.

Missy and AJ stopped by the hotel and drove us to dinner. We ate at the Soup Plantation. The food was good.

Nancy and I did some light reading before turning in.

Tomorrow we at picking up Grandkids Lucas and Alessandra from camp and taking them to lunch.

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