Saturday, July 8, 2017

Friday July 7, 2017

Blog time 1155 at Panera

Boy did we have some heavy thunderstorm roll through last night. When I went out this morning I noted that a large pine which is leaning towards our garage seems to have moved. We will call the maintenance folks this afternoon.

The sun came out about 0800 and the temp was in high 60s. Had to dodge a lot of fallen branches on my ride to the Y. Talked to an old neighbor from Ottawa Hills and he said the neighborhood had a loss of power and serious tree damage.

I was drenched in sweat when I got to the Y. Luckily I had a clean shirt in my backpack.

Checked the morning papers and the G20 meeting in Hamburg, Germany dominates. A lot of fussy reporting like did the wife of the Polish PM snub POTUS or did the French President push aside another head of state to get a better position for the group photo. Get a life reporters!

The demonstrations at the G20 meeting appear to be getting out of hand.

I did not get home until 1300. Kim was just wrapping up cleaning the house. Nancy discussed the schedule for her taking care of Ms P. Ms P will stay with her for a couple of day while we are in Gaylord. She will also take Ms P for a week when we take AJ back to CA on 21 Jul.

Speaking of Ms P we took her on a short walk. It was too hot for a longer walk. Temp was in mid 80s.

We picked Missy and AJ up at the airport at 1730. Their flights from LA were all on time. Missy uses Uber to get to and from the airport. She is a big fan of Uber.

It is now 1850, I am sitting on the deck. We will head out for dinner at 1700. We have not yet decided on a restaurant.

We decided on LaLaguna Mexican Restaurant near the condo. Everyone enjoyed the food. LaLaguna was the busiest we have ever seen it. It seems to be building a good reputation for good Mexican food.

After AJ was in bed we grabbed a glass of wine and spent the rest of the evening on the deck. Pleasant temperature and a full moon. We even saw a deer running across our yard.

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