Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Monday July 10, 2017

Blog time 1715 sitting on deck

This morning while Missy and AJ slept, Nancy headed to MVP for a class and I did my calisthenics and a 10 minute row at home.

I fixed breakfast for AJ and myself. After Nancy got home Missy and I drove to Sundance for breakfast.

It rained most of morning, perfect day for a movie. AJ and I left at 1200 to attend a showing of Despicable Me 3. The theater was packed. I liked the movie.

In late afternoon I looked out the window and saw a doe with two spotted fawns. The fawns were nursing. AJ and Nancy also enjoyed the view.

Took Missy to the airport in time to catch her 1900 flight. She will be in LA at 1020 PDT.

Light dinner and then we drove to Kathi’s to pick up some swimming gear we left behind yesterday.

AJ is taking a bath and we are watching Loch Ness on Acorn. I think it is the last episode.

Tomorrow we will pack for our trip Gaylord. We are leaving early Wednesday morning to attend Alpine Fest in Gaylord and my sister’s 50th wedding anniversary on Thursday. Looks like a busy couple of days.

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