Friday, July 7, 2017

Thursday July 6, 2017

Blog time 1135 at Panera

The absolute great weather continues. Sun and high 60s early this morning, heading to 90 later. Nancy was out early for her swim. I left home at 0820 and pedaled the seven miles to the Y.

The weather is so nice the Y had several classes outside.

We have a busy afternoon. Missy and AJ are coming tomorrow so we have to get the downstairs bath and bedroom ready. That means I must move my stuff out of the bathroom. After yesterdays experience with the single speed’s ability to climb hills vs the Bad Boy, I am taking the Bad Boy in and getting the original tires put back on. These tires carry 90psi vs 60psi now. At 1800 we are meeting the Horlings at the Texas Road House for dinner. After we are coming back to our condo for dessert.

President Trump’s meeting with Russian leader Putin dominates the news. The news folks are also speculating about potential conflicts between POTUS and German leader Merkel. POTUS did get a great reception in Poland. Is North Korea really a major threat to the US?

From the Daily Mail a photo of Indian rescuers pulling a goat out of a 15 foot Python. Love these stories.

Canada wants to ban cars with gas engines in 20 years. Volvo announces that they will cease making gas engines for their cars soon. Is this the end of the internal combustion engine? Not in my lifetime.

I did take my Bad Boy to Ada Bike and got new high pressure tires. Actually, they are the same size as the original tires. Also purchased a neat bike rack.

Met the Horlings at the Longhorn for dinner. We all had a steak. No complaints. After dinner we gathered at our condo for dessert, cheesecake with strawberries. Great evening.

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