Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tuesday July 11, 2017

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up early this morning and checked the weather, sun and 85 high. Another great day in MI. Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim. I stayed home and did all my calisthenics.

AJ is a really sound sleeper. She was not disturbed by all my movements. I have started packing for our trip tomorrow to Gaylord.

AJ was still asleep at 0900 when Nancy returned. I put on my bike clothes and pedaled to Panera using my normal morning route to Y. Total distance 8 miles.

Checked the morning papers. Donald Trump Jr dominates the headlines. He was supposed to have met with a Russian lawyer during the campaign to get dirt on Ms Clinton. He said he did not get any info. Wow a political campaign trying to get dirt on an opponent. What a novel idea!

Read recently that a left leaning political group has several full time employees trying to get dirt on the Koch brothers.

Why don’t all the pols just admit the election is over and get on with running the country. A really novel idea!

I am really interested to see how President Macron of France is going to get his labor reforms implemented. If he succeeds France will be better off.

BRexit is proving more difficult than the average Brit expected. PM May’s miscalculation on the recent election did not help.

The health care debate is so muddled that most citizens are really confused. It doesn’t help that the news media keeps saying we are destroying the middle class. The truth is that health care is very expensive and could bankrupt the USA. The GOP has done a terrible job of explaining the issue.

We have a glut of oil. Gas prices continue to drop and yet electric cars are considered the car of the future. If you eliminated the federal subsidies for electric vehicles would folks still buy them? I think I will not see electric cars dominate in my lifetime.

I do think that diesel trucks are a major contributor to air pollution. Natural gas engines might start making inroads.

It is hot today. Right now at 1735 the temperature is 87. Nancy and AJ went swimming this afternoon at MVP’s outdoor pool. Nancy said it was very crowded.

I spent part of the afternoon packing for our trip to Gaylord and LA. I made a quick trip to Meijer's to buy some travel size items like tooth paste, shaving cream, mouthwash, and skin cream.

I did find time to take a short nap and a walk around the block. Light dinner, read the GRP, Nancy got AJ packed and I watched a nature show on Netflix. Travel day tomorrow set alarm for 0515.

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