Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Blog time 2150 sitting in den relaxing after a busy Fourth

Alarm goes off at 0630 and we get up and get ready to attend the Hollyhock Lane Parade in our old GR neighborhood.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee, picked up Nancy’s friend Kathi and headed to the Parade. We talked to a lot of old neighbors. The Parade has not changed since we started attending in 1974, pure American.

After the Parade we headed to the Matchbox Restaurant, located at old Brandywine, for breakfast. The waiting list was so long we ended up at Kathi’s. We finished some quiche she had in her fridge. It was very good.

At home we took Ms P on her walk. Lunch and then I took a three mile walk.

At 1630 Nancy and I headed out for the Gardens. We are working at the Garden’s Summer Tuesday night concert. This concert is free to members and features local talent.

I was surprised how crowded the concert was. Over 1400 attended. I was on my feet for over two hours. As soon as my shift was over I bought a beer and two hot dogs. Nancy was selling tickets and she had to work 45 minutes longer.

I liked the music. Just a great evening to sit outside and enjoy a concert.

Hope everyone had a great Fourth!!

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