Friday, July 28, 2017

Thursday July 27, 2017

Blog time 1235 at Panera

Back to our normal wake up time.

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.

I did calisthenics at home and then headed to Dermatologist for my 0930 appointment.

My normal Dermatologist is on sick leave so I had Dr Hawley performed the surgery. She removed a big spot on my right forearm. Over 20 stitches were required to close the area. No push-ups or chin-ups for two weeks.

On way home stopped and got my Escape washed. Did not get to Panera until 1130.

Read some of the morning papers. The senate seems very confused or is it incompetence?

The President did not take my advice to chew out in private and praise in public. He seems unable to take advice from his staff.

Will anything get done?

I am not a big fan of sanctions, I think they have too many unintended consequences. We have just increased sanctions against Russia and Venezuela.

Foxconn is suppose to build a new 10 billion dollar factory in WI. I really hope it works out. Foxconn has a reputation on not fulfilling on its promises.

Banning transgender folks from military. My only comment is should tax payers foot the bill for expensive medical procedures. Diabetic folks are not allowed to serve allegedly because of the cost.

Did not get home until 1330. Quick lunch. Needed some large bandages so pedaled to Meijer's.

Took a short nap. It was hot and humid today so I turned on the AC.

We were notified by Consumers Power that we will lose power starting at 2000. The power will be off about six hours.

Our neighbor Sonya stopped by at 1800 for wine.

Before leaving for dinner I turned the AC off. We also unplugged appliances that could be damaged by power surge.
For dinner we drove to JT’s for pizza. JT’s was not crowded. Nancy and I shared a medium ham and pineapple pizza, Sonya had a small deluxe. We all agreed the pizza was especially good.

The power was off when we got home a little after 2000. Our iPads were fully charged so we spent the evening reading. Power came back on at 0100.

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