Monday, July 10, 2017

Sunday July 9, 2017

Blog time: 1700 on July 10:

Nancy and I got up at our normal Sunday time. Missy and AJ were still sleeping so we headed to Meijer’s for gas and supplies.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast this morning.

I took a nine mile bike ride.

At 1400 we all headed to Kathi Kothe’s house for a swim and dinner.

The water in the pool was 82. Everyone went swimming. Great day for an outdoor swim.

Kathi fixed baked chicken with a corn dish, speciality bread and cole slaw. The adults all had a glass of wine. Sat on Kathi’s screened in porch and enjoyed another great summer’s evening.

We got home at 2100. Relaxed in the living room until time for AJ to go bed. Nancy and I soon followed.

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