Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Monday July 3, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Another nice sunny Summer’s day. Temp was 68 when I got on bike and headed to Y. Traffic was very light. Most sensible folks took the day off.

Noted a lot of families at the Y this morning. I am going file a complaint with the Y today because their sprinklers are turned on while I am inside. My bike is wet and I get wet when I unhook it.

French President Macron is certainly getting a lot of favorable new coverage. Being young does not hurt. However, he might start getting some serious heat when he tries to get his legislation passed. He is calling for some drastic changes to French labor laws. The unions certainly won’t like them. It needs to be done in order to get France’s economy moving.

Do you think they will start calling the leaders of Europes three major countries the 3Ms. Merkel of Germany, Macron of France and May of the UK?

The US Navy had been sailing Naval ships close to China’s disputed island in the South China Sea. China is having a hissy fit. Tough!

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco for supplies. Costco was not busy.

The change oil light went off on the Taurus so I took it in. I thought with the 4th tomorrow that they would close early and I would not be able to get the work done. Surprise! They had a full complement working so no problem.

We took Ms P on her daily walk as soon as I got home.

A lot of news lately about Bitcoins. I still don’t know what a bitcoin is or how it works.

At my Dentist, Dermatologist and Ford dealer the only TV channel they have on is HGTV. It must be very popular.

Some observations on summer. 80 is the best temperature. We have a cornucopia of fresh fruit. Tonight we had cantaloupe, cherries and grapes.

Watched two episodes of Loch Ness on Acorn before turning in.

A lot of fireworks going off tonight and Ms P is going bonkers. She settled down about midnight when the noise stopped.

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