Monday, July 31, 2017

Sunday July 30, 2017

Blog time 1150 Monday at Panera.

Yes folks our string of sunny warm days continues.

Up at 0603 and get ready for trip to Y. Nancy swam and I did some sit-ups and leg raises before a mile run.

Stopped at Panera and got our Sunday coffee.

Attended the 1030 service at Trinity Lutheran.

Bought some supplies at Meijer's. Filled up the Escape. Gas has gone up, it is now $2.53.

Lunch and short nap. Kathi Kothe invited Nancy and me over for a swim and dinner.

We left home at 1415. Because of my stitches I did not go swimming but enjoyed sitting by the pool. Nancy and Kathi enjoyed the water.

Kathi’s back yard is loaded with flowers. It should be featured in a home and garden magazine.

We ate dinner on her screened in porch. A very enjoyable day.

We got home at 2130. No TV today but I did finish reading the GRP.

Saturday July 29, 2017

Blog time 1410 sitting in living room

Woke up with sun streaming through slider. Another nice sunny day in GR.

We walked to Panera for our Saturday morning breakfast. Panera was nearly empty.

As soon as we got home Nancy started doing laundry. I got out my Bad Boy bike and went on a long bike ride, 20 miles. Great day for a ride. For first time this year I rode to Seidmen Park.

Showered, shaved and had light lunch. Took Ms P on her nature walk.

Nancy and I had a early dinner at Rose’s. We arrived at 1600 and were able to get an outside table. By 1430 every table was taken.

Beautiful day to sit outside and watch the boats on Reed’s Lake. A good glass of wine and good food made the experience more enjoyable.

At home we watched a Netflix show.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening. First time in nearly a month we talked with Debbie. We caught up.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Friday July 28, 2017

Blog time 1855 sitting in den

Last Friday of the month and what a busy month it has been. We have had some incredible weather. In fact the nice weather will continue through the month.

Nancy headed out for MVP early this morning.

Up at 0630; because of my recent surgery no push ups or chin-ups for two weeks. I did do some sit-ups and leg raises at home this morning. No Y today.

Biked directly to Panera using my hilly route. Total distance 10 miles.

Despite all the confusion in DC, the country keeps moving on. Stock market is doing ok. Unemployment is down, and progress is being made on climate change. The cost of wind energy is coming down and new wind farms are coming online every day. The cost of Electric cars are now within reach of middle class folks.

POTUS has appointed a new communications director. Mr Scaramucci has to control his language. So far I am not impressed.

Later today POTUS appointed a new Chief of Staff. I think General Kelly is a good choice.

Was John McCann’s health care vote a pay back for President Trump’s insults?

Kim was still cleaning when I got home, so we headed to Costco, bought cheese, trash bags, naan bread and rotisserie chicken. Quick lunch followed by a walk around the block and then a short nap.

Nancy fixed the rotisserie chicken with a potato and sliced tomatoes. It was great. We each had a slice of pizza leftover from last night.

Watched the news and then got on my bike and headed to Meijer's. I cashed in a winning lottery ticket, $7.00.

We are now watching a Helen West drama on Acorn.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Thursday July 27, 2017

Blog time 1235 at Panera

Back to our normal wake up time.

Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.

I did calisthenics at home and then headed to Dermatologist for my 0930 appointment.

My normal Dermatologist is on sick leave so I had Dr Hawley performed the surgery. She removed a big spot on my right forearm. Over 20 stitches were required to close the area. No push-ups or chin-ups for two weeks.

On way home stopped and got my Escape washed. Did not get to Panera until 1130.

Read some of the morning papers. The senate seems very confused or is it incompetence?

The President did not take my advice to chew out in private and praise in public. He seems unable to take advice from his staff.

Will anything get done?

I am not a big fan of sanctions, I think they have too many unintended consequences. We have just increased sanctions against Russia and Venezuela.

Foxconn is suppose to build a new 10 billion dollar factory in WI. I really hope it works out. Foxconn has a reputation on not fulfilling on its promises.

Banning transgender folks from military. My only comment is should tax payers foot the bill for expensive medical procedures. Diabetic folks are not allowed to serve allegedly because of the cost.

Did not get home until 1330. Quick lunch. Needed some large bandages so pedaled to Meijer's.

Took a short nap. It was hot and humid today so I turned on the AC.

We were notified by Consumers Power that we will lose power starting at 2000. The power will be off about six hours.

Our neighbor Sonya stopped by at 1800 for wine.

Before leaving for dinner I turned the AC off. We also unplugged appliances that could be damaged by power surge.
For dinner we drove to JT’s for pizza. JT’s was not crowded. Nancy and I shared a medium ham and pineapple pizza, Sonya had a small deluxe. We all agreed the pizza was especially good.

The power was off when we got home a little after 2000. Our iPads were fully charged so we spent the evening reading. Power came back on at 0100.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Wednesday July 26, 2017

Blog time 1750 sitting at dining room table

We both slept in this morning. Nancy did not go to MVP this morning. I did light calisthenics at home.

At 0830 I head up north to pick up Ms P. Met Kim at Mobile Station on 14 Mile. Kim said Ms P appeared to enjoy her stay.

Dropped off Ms P and pedaled to Panera. I read papers but found nothing I thought important enough to comment on. Must be jet lag.

Nancy worked at Gardens this afternoon. She said they were very busy.

After lunch took out trash and recycle. Also did load of laundry.

Took a short nap.

When dropping off the rental car yesterday we noted that several books that belonged to Alessandra. Biked to D&W to mail books back to Long Beach. Stopped at Ace to purchase hardware for a chin up bar I want to install in our downstairs storage room.

Light dinner tonight. We will watch a show on Netflix or Acorn before turning in.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Tuesday July 25, `2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera in GR

Tuesday the 25th a travel day;

Breakfast at hotel. Headed out at 0930 for LAX.

Returned rental to Hertz.

Checked in, going through security is a breeze with our TSA pre check passes.

Flight to Denver and then to GR was uneventful. Like going through Denver because it breaks the trip in half.

Arrived in GR on time, 2215. Picked up car and headed home. A great trip.

Monday July 24, 2017

Blog time Wednesday 1135 at Panera in GR

Monday our last full day in LA

Breakfast at hotel: we drove to several Federal offices so Nancy could get her fingerprints for her TSA pass. The ancient fingerprint machine in Port Huron did not work. We visited two federal offices before she finally got someone who knew what they were doing. We both concluded that the Feds sure waste a lot of money because we saw a lot of folks just standing around.

1100 headed out for Long Beach’s Whaley Park where Grandkids are attending summer camp. We are going to pick them up at 1230.

Arrived early so we walked to CSULB’s Japanese Garden nearby. Did not get chance to see garden. Ran out of time.

Picked up Lucas and Alessandra and headed to lunch. We had lunch at a nearby Red Robin, a favorite with the kids.

After lunch we headed to Long Beach’s harbor area. Walked around the harbor which was crowded with tourists.

Before taking the kids home we stopped at Baskin Robins for ice cream.

We had dinner at Steve and Veronica’s. Steve brought home Italian take out. We visited for several hours before heading back to the hotel. Great day!

Sunday July 23, 2017

Blog time 2145 sitting in hotel room

We both got up at 0630. Had the hotel’s complimentary breakfast.

Today we are visiting the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, CA. We left at 0900 and arrived at 1015. The parking lot was almost full.

It is a great facility in a beautiful setting. We really enjoyed all the exhibits dealing with the life and accomplishments of President Reagan. From early boyhood in Dixon, IL, to his movie career, military service, Governor of CA and finally President. The museum had the actual Air Force1 plane and I enjoyed walking through it.

The one thing I took away from this visit was how civil President Reagan was to all folks he had to deal with. The entire political establishment had respect for opponents. Maybe we should make our current elected federal officials take a lesson from President Reagan.

We noted as we were leaving that the parking lot was full and cars were being parked on both sides of the entrance road for over a mile. Timing is everything.

Missy and AJ stopped by the hotel and drove us to dinner. We ate at the Soup Plantation. The food was good.

Nancy and I did some light reading before turning in.

Tomorrow we at picking up Grandkids Lucas and Alessandra from camp and taking them to lunch.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Saturday July 22, 2017

Blog time 2105 Sunday sitting in hotel room;

Experiencing some jet lag.

Hotel’s complimentary breakfast does not open until 0700. Several folks including me waiting for it to open. Good yogurt and oatmeal, bad scrambled eggs and the rest just average.

The hotel is full so glad we got down early. The breakfast room was full by 0800.

In morning we visited upscale mall in Manhattan Beach, after we drove around the Manhattan Beach area.

Had snacks for lunch back at hotel. This evening we are meeting son Steve, wife Veronica, and kids Lucas and Alessandra for dinner in Seal Beach. Nancy and I left early for Seal Beach.

I had forgotten that July is the peak beach going season in CA. The beaches were full. Spent some time looking for a parking place.

Nancy and I walked the Seal Beach Pier. Beautiful day for spending time at the beach.

We met Steve and family at the Hangout Bar at 1700. The Bar was full so we walked down Main Street and found a nice Irish Pub. The Pub was full but they found us a table. I had their fish and chips with a glass of Guinness. The rest had standard American fare.

After dinner we walk along the beach until 1900 when we headed to a local recreation center. Grandson Lucas’s BB team has an eight o'clock game. The Rec Center had four BB courts and they all had games. Lucas plays in a 10U league. He had a good game. He made three 3 point shots and several layups. His team won a close game.

It was dark when we headed back to the hotel. Luckily I had my special night driving glasses. They worked great. No glare.

A busy but fun day in Southern CA. Weather was in high 70s with a light breeze.

Friday July 21, 2017

Blog time 1045 EDT sitting in plane flying over who knows

The alarm goes off at 0400. We reluctantly get up. Our flight is at 0600 so we have to hustle if we want to get to the airport the recommended 90 minutes before takeoff. Actually we arrived at the airport only 60 minutes before take off. We had our TSA pre check so no problem getting through security. Flight to Chicago went without a hitch. The flight to LA was 100% full. Luckily we have three seats together.

No internet on plane so I started this blog. Stay tuned.

Blog resumes Saturday; Arrived in LA on time and headed to Hertz to pick up car. Just a note that Hertz plays fast with their charges. I prepaid and was told that I only needed $44 at check in. Wrong the bill came to $154! No more Hertz.

Drove directly to hotel in Redondo Beach. Room was nice, complete with kitchen. We had a late lunch at In and Out Burger. Nancy and I thought the burgers were good. It was 1500 and the place was jammed. However, when we got back to the room Nancy had a strong negative reaction to the burger. No more In and Out.

Missy picked up AJ around 1600. We did some shopping at Vons. Bought wine and cheese.

Called Steve and arranged meeting for dinner Saturday night in Seal Beach, followed by attending grandson Lucas’s BB game.

We both had some wine and cheese for dinner. Missy had given us a box of crackers to eat with our cheese. She also bought several apples. I had one before bed. We had been up since 0400 so we headed to bed at 2100.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Thursday July 20, 2017

Blog time 1000 at Panera

For first time in ages it was raining this morning. I did calisthenics at home. Nancy did not swim this morning because of the rain.

After breakfast I put on my raincoat and walked to Panera. I do not ride bike in rain.

The Brown Trout festival in Alpena dominated their news. For the first time in years someone caught the one trout with a special tag. It was worth $25,000.

BRexit dominates news in U.K.

John McCain is a hero to me. Sorry to read about his health problems. Get well soon.

Kathi Kothe is taking AJ out for breakfast.

Nancy is starting to pack for tomorrow's trip to CA. Must be fully packed today because we head to the airport tomorrow at 0415.

Made a quick detour to the bank on my walk home. Early lunch and then headed to Doctor Santos office. Dr Santos is an optical(?) neurologist. He is treating my double vision problem. Since my cataract surgery my double vision is gone. It could be temporary according to the doctor.

When I got home I was surprised to see that our Drive was blocked off. The maintenance folks had sprayed a bituminous seal over the Drive. It was an unneeded application because our Drive was paved last year. However our neighbor had insisted.

Drove Nancy to the bank to get cash for our trip. We had dinner at JT’s Pizza tonight. We ordered a ham and pineapple pizza. Great pizza.

I put our bags in the Escape tonight. The alarm is set for 0400.

We watched a Dr Blake Mystery before turning in.

Wednesday July 19, 2017

Blog time 1015 at Panera

We are out of bed at 0630. Looks like a other nice day ahead.

Nancy heads to MVP and I do calisthenics at home. Breakfast and some reading before Nancy comes home at 0915. AJ was still sleeping. Nancy made quick work getting her up.

I pedaled to Panera. The parking lot was full. I think business folks have early morning meeting at Panera.

From the morning papers:

President Macron faced his first test by firing the Defense Chief. It is not going to get easier for Mr Macron.

The cost of social programs especially social security is bankrupting many countries. The U.K. just announced that the retirement age for SS for folks under 45 has been raised from 61 to 68.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. We have scheduled a trip to the Ionia Free Fair this afternoon for AJ and me. However, at the last minute AJ said she did not want to go. Despite my persuasion she still refused. My skills dealing with nine year olds are not good.

I did have time to do a load of laundry, check bank accounts and take out the trash.

1700,I am sitting on our deck drinking a glass of wine. The temperature is a balmy 88.

Light dinner tonight and then will watch the news. I read in the London papers the pay for news readers at the BBC. Their salaries are paltry compared to what the major US networks pay their readers.

Will finish the evening watching a show on either Netflix or Acorn.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tuesday July 18, 2017

Blog time 1130 sitting at Panera:

Happy Birthday Stephen! Today is Steve’s 44th birthday. I remember clearly the day he was born. It was a beautiful sunny July day. I took Nancy to the hospital in mid morning. Nancy had a big smile on her face when she told me it was a boy. Fond memories.

Today we both got up at 0630. Nancy headed out for her early swim at MVP and I did the calisthenics at home. Nancy returned home at 0900. We talked about this afternoon’s activities and agreed either a swim at Millennium Park or the GR Public Museum.

I got on the Bad Boy and pedaled to Panera. The speedometer showed 10 miles.

The Alpena News and London paper had no substantial news that I want to comment on. I did find interesting that the Daily Mail reported that PM Putin takes a bath in the blood from the antlers of the Maral Deer. This bath is suppose to enhance male health. Yeah right!

The WSJ reported on the Republican’ inability to pass a health bill. The GOP is unable to act as a unified party. So far all we have seen is total disarray. No infrastructure, tax reform or health bill. A major disappointment to all us moderates.

I think we need a new party. Both the Dems and GOP are an embarrassment.

Another article I found interesting was a report that frequent sleep interruption can lead to Alzheimer's. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea about ten months ago. At the time of my training to use a CPAC machine they mentioned the possible connection between Alzheimer's and sleep interruption. Today’s report confirms the connection.

Got home at noon and Nancy announced a change of plans. She and AJ are going to Kathi’s for a swim. Her next door neighbor is bringing her grandkids.

I ran several errands. Stopped at bank to get money for Kim who is taking Ms P on Thursday, bought a bottle of Vodka for Kathi, and stopped at Apple Store to buy a simple cover for my new iPad.

I got a call from the Dermatologist saying that I have to have more work done on a spot on the right arm. Scheduled the work for Thursday July 27.

Took a 30 minute nap, pressed several pair of khakis and starting packing for our Friday trip to CA. Nancy and AJ got home at 1745. Light dinner followed by some time watching the news and reading the GRP. AJ reluctantly took a bath.

The temp reached 90 today. We have the AC on for the first time in several weeks.
Had tamales for dinner, watched the news and took a walk around the block before settling down. We are now watching Hamish McBeth on Acorn. I don't know if the show is a comedy or crime show.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Monday July 17, 2017

Blog time 1530 sitting at dining room table

Yes folks another nice sunny day in GR. We all slept in today. Nancy did not go to MVP. I did calisthenics at home and took a walk around the block before breakfast.

Before going to Boulder Ridge Animal Farm I drove to Panera for coffee. Boulder Ridge opens at 1000. We drove in at exactly 1000 and the parking lot was almost full. Large families made up most of the customers. We spent an enjoyable 2.5 hours at the Farm. The place is very hands on. Kids can pick up the bunnies and feed the hoofed animals including camels and giraffes. AJ especially liked feeding the Parakeets.

Stopped at Meijer’s to get some ice cream and cheese. Missy’s college room mate Adri and her family are visiting later this afternoon and we needed some snacks.

Continue to sweep up glass from our broken deck table. All this sweeping and the upper and lower decks look good.

Adri and her family, husband Zolton and kids Eddie and Eiji arrived at 1600. We spent an enjoyable several hours getting to know this great family. The kids were born in Budapest and only occasionally visit the USA but their English is great. We all took a walk to the ponds in our backyard. The goal was to catch frogs. Thankfully, no luck.

Adri and family are leaving tomorrow to visit Detroit and then spend some time at a cottage on Canada’s Georgian Bay. Georgian Bay is at the northeast corner of Lake Huron. It is a beautiful vacation spot. I got out a map and showed Adri its location and proximity to Alpena.

We had a light dinner. Watched the last episode of Loch Ness. However, no conclusion so we have to wait until next year.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday July 16, 2017

Blog time 1710 sitting on deck

Another nice sunny day in GR. It is now 80.

We all slept in today, especially AJ. First thing this morning I did my calisthenics at 50%, showered and then drove to Panera to get us our morning coffee.

Nancy made a quick trip to Meijer’s for supplies. I had breakfast and as soon as Nancy got home I filled up both the Taurus and Escape. Gas was $2.42.

Nancy fixed AJ her world famous scramble eggs with bacon for breakfast.

Our next door neighbor Sonya stopped by with her grand daughter. Tomorrow morning we are taking AJ and her grand daughter to Boulder Ridge Animal farm.

Tomorrow afternoon daughter Missy’s room mate from college is stopping by with her family. Adri’s two children are AJ’s age. Adri lives in Budapest.

Before lunch I took an easy 10 mile bike ride.

Around 1400 Nancy and AJ headed to Kathi Kothe’s for a swim in her pool.

This evening we will finish the beans and rice. I will walk around the block before sitting down to read the GRP and maybe watch a little TV.

Friday July 14, 2017

Blog time 0915 on the 15th at Panera.

Friday our big travel day started with breakfast at Fairfield Inn in Gaylord. We picked up AJ at 0900 at Helen’s.

Encountered rain on our trip back to GR but light traffic. Checked out the house and everything was ok until I walked out on the deck. The glass top on our deck table was shattered. The table’s umbrella had blown off the porch. Apparently a big storm with wind occurred while we were gone. Stupid me I had left the umbrella up. It took several hours to clean up the mess.

We bought the table at Lowe’s so I checked to see if we could buy a new glass top. No luck, they don’t sell parts.

Light dinner and then we watched a show on Acorn before turning in.

Thursday July 13, 2017

Blog time 0930 sitting in breakfast room Fairfield Inn, Gaylord

It is cloudy and grey in Gaylord this morning, temp is 60 with a high expected of 65. Rain starting this afternoon.

Nancy and I had the motel’s complimentary breakfast this morning. We gave it a B.

We have not heard from my sister yet. Today’s highlight will be the 50th Wedding Anniversary for Helen and Don this evening. About 70 guests are expected.

I did have chance to read the news this morning. Several articles caught my eye:

former Brazilian President de Silvia was sentenced to prison. De Silvia was a very popular President and was expected to run again.

The WSJ reported that banks still have not raised interest rates for depositors. The Feds policy have hurt seniors like Bob and Nancy.

China’s housing market is booming and home prices are rising. The average home price is now 44 times the average annual income. The rule of thump when Nancy and I bought our first home was that the price should not exceed 2.5 times annual earnings. Will China implode?

This afternoon Nancy and I took the three girls, AJ, Emma and Kennedy, to Alpenfest. They all participated in the Hula Hoop contest. AJ and Emma were in the 8 and 9 year bracket and Kennedy was in the 10-11 bracket. They all got a prize. They also tried their hand at the basketball shooting game. No prizes.

It sprinkled most of the afternoon. Temperature was a chilly 61. I put on long pants.

The big event of the day was Helen and Don Crandall’s 50th anniversary. It was also the 50th anniversary of the Anderson’s, friends of Helen and Don for years.

As mentioned yesterday, Don had three cousins from Homer, Mi and Colorado Springs. Also daughter Shirley and Shirley’s grand daughter, Emma.

Helen’s family included Nancy and brother Bob and their grand daughter Akerke.

Helen and Don’s family included son Jason and daughter Kennedy and his sister, Jennifer, with her three daughters.

Because of the sprinkles, most of the event was held in Helen and Don’s big open air garage. In addition, several awnings were put up to handle the overflow.

The party was well attended. Buffet style dinner, pulled pork sandwiches and all the fixing. Home made blueberry pie and a special anniversary cake for dessert.

A very pleasant evening complete with bon fire and roasting marshmallows. Great summer day in northern Michigan.

Wednesday July 12, 2017

Blog time 0830 Thursday sitting in breakfast room at Fairfield Inn, Gaylord

Wednesday and today we travel to Gaylord. We started out at 0630, stopped at Panera for coffee and bagels and then headed out, sort of. We got on the freeway when Nancy noticed that she had forgotten her ipad. We turned around and returned home to retrieve it.

The drive to Gaylord was uneventful. Parts of US 131 and US 27 have raised their speed limits to 75. I think the jury is still out on this move.

Arrived Gaylord about 1030, checked into the Fairfield Inn. Fairfield has only been open several months and it shows. Everything is new and clean.

We met my sister, Helen, and headed to downtown Gaylord. We bought our tickets to Alpenfest for Nancy and me. I also bought AJ a carnival ride ticket. AJ has two new friends, Kennedy who is Helen’s grand daughter and Emma who is Shirley Short’s grand daughter. Shirley is Helen’s husband Don’s daughter. The girls immediately started enjoying the rides.

We had lunch downtown. After all the rides we headed back to Helen’s. AJ will be spending the night at Helen’s with her two new cousins.

Nancy and I returned to Fairfield to unpack and take a nap. We had dinner at Helen’s. She had a taco bar. Also in attendance were Don Crandall’s two nephews from Homer, MI and a niece from CO.

We spent an enjoyable evening talking and drinking. We left AJ with her friends and returned to the Inn about 2100. A long enjoyable day.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tuesday July 11, 2017

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up early this morning and checked the weather, sun and 85 high. Another great day in MI. Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim. I stayed home and did all my calisthenics.

AJ is a really sound sleeper. She was not disturbed by all my movements. I have started packing for our trip tomorrow to Gaylord.

AJ was still asleep at 0900 when Nancy returned. I put on my bike clothes and pedaled to Panera using my normal morning route to Y. Total distance 8 miles.

Checked the morning papers. Donald Trump Jr dominates the headlines. He was supposed to have met with a Russian lawyer during the campaign to get dirt on Ms Clinton. He said he did not get any info. Wow a political campaign trying to get dirt on an opponent. What a novel idea!

Read recently that a left leaning political group has several full time employees trying to get dirt on the Koch brothers.

Why don’t all the pols just admit the election is over and get on with running the country. A really novel idea!

I am really interested to see how President Macron of France is going to get his labor reforms implemented. If he succeeds France will be better off.

BRexit is proving more difficult than the average Brit expected. PM May’s miscalculation on the recent election did not help.

The health care debate is so muddled that most citizens are really confused. It doesn’t help that the news media keeps saying we are destroying the middle class. The truth is that health care is very expensive and could bankrupt the USA. The GOP has done a terrible job of explaining the issue.

We have a glut of oil. Gas prices continue to drop and yet electric cars are considered the car of the future. If you eliminated the federal subsidies for electric vehicles would folks still buy them? I think I will not see electric cars dominate in my lifetime.

I do think that diesel trucks are a major contributor to air pollution. Natural gas engines might start making inroads.

It is hot today. Right now at 1735 the temperature is 87. Nancy and AJ went swimming this afternoon at MVP’s outdoor pool. Nancy said it was very crowded.

I spent part of the afternoon packing for our trip to Gaylord and LA. I made a quick trip to Meijer's to buy some travel size items like tooth paste, shaving cream, mouthwash, and skin cream.

I did find time to take a short nap and a walk around the block. Light dinner, read the GRP, Nancy got AJ packed and I watched a nature show on Netflix. Travel day tomorrow set alarm for 0515.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Monday July 10, 2017

Blog time 1715 sitting on deck

This morning while Missy and AJ slept, Nancy headed to MVP for a class and I did my calisthenics and a 10 minute row at home.

I fixed breakfast for AJ and myself. After Nancy got home Missy and I drove to Sundance for breakfast.

It rained most of morning, perfect day for a movie. AJ and I left at 1200 to attend a showing of Despicable Me 3. The theater was packed. I liked the movie.

In late afternoon I looked out the window and saw a doe with two spotted fawns. The fawns were nursing. AJ and Nancy also enjoyed the view.

Took Missy to the airport in time to catch her 1900 flight. She will be in LA at 1020 PDT.

Light dinner and then we drove to Kathi’s to pick up some swimming gear we left behind yesterday.

AJ is taking a bath and we are watching Loch Ness on Acorn. I think it is the last episode.

Tomorrow we will pack for our trip Gaylord. We are leaving early Wednesday morning to attend Alpine Fest in Gaylord and my sister’s 50th wedding anniversary on Thursday. Looks like a busy couple of days.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Sunday July 9, 2017

Blog time: 1700 on July 10:

Nancy and I got up at our normal Sunday time. Missy and AJ were still sleeping so we headed to Meijer’s for gas and supplies.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast this morning.

I took a nine mile bike ride.

At 1400 we all headed to Kathi Kothe’s house for a swim and dinner.

The water in the pool was 82. Everyone went swimming. Great day for an outdoor swim.

Kathi fixed baked chicken with a corn dish, speciality bread and cole slaw. The adults all had a glass of wine. Sat on Kathi’s screened in porch and enjoyed another great summer’s evening.

We got home at 2100. Relaxed in the living room until time for AJ to go bed. Nancy and I soon followed.

Saturday July 8, 2017

Blog time 1535 sitting on deck:

Nancy and I slept in until nearly 0700 this morning. AJ and Missy were still sound asleep.

We dressed and walked to Panera for our usual Saturday morning breakfast.

Missy owns a little company that manufactures bicycle gloves. She had to mail a dozen to Seoul, Korea. So the two of us got in the Escape and headed first to Staples for a mailing package. Made a pit stop at Starbucks so Missy could get a Mocha and a breakfast sandwich. Final stop was the Lake Drive Post Office. In order to mail the package Missy had to fill out custom forms and several other forms necessary for an overseas mailing.

On our way home we drove through the old neighborhood. Missy thought it looked great except for all the downed trees and branches from Thursday’s big storm. Power was still out in the Breton Village area. The street lights were not working and several businesses were closed.

While gone Nancy was busy doing laundry and fixing AJ a bacon and eggs breakfast.

Nancy is tie dyeing several tee shirts for AJ. They headed out to Hobby Lobby for materials and Meijer's for tee shirts. I got out the Bad Boy for a bike ride.

Today I rode the Ada route. Along the path between Ada Drive and Cascade I encountered a five month old spotted fawn about five feet from the path. By the time I stopped the bike to get my cell it had run off. Bummer. Today I rode 12 miles.

Spent some time reading papers. G20 meeting still dominates the news. Trump met with Putin today and POTUS said it went great. Who knows!

For dinner tonight Nancy grilled hamburgs and vegetables. Very tasty.

After dinner AJ grabbed a butterfly net and we headed out to explore several ponds owned by the condo association. AJ netted a big bull frog. The highlight of the trip so far.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Friday July 7, 2017

Blog time 1155 at Panera

Boy did we have some heavy thunderstorm roll through last night. When I went out this morning I noted that a large pine which is leaning towards our garage seems to have moved. We will call the maintenance folks this afternoon.

The sun came out about 0800 and the temp was in high 60s. Had to dodge a lot of fallen branches on my ride to the Y. Talked to an old neighbor from Ottawa Hills and he said the neighborhood had a loss of power and serious tree damage.

I was drenched in sweat when I got to the Y. Luckily I had a clean shirt in my backpack.

Checked the morning papers and the G20 meeting in Hamburg, Germany dominates. A lot of fussy reporting like did the wife of the Polish PM snub POTUS or did the French President push aside another head of state to get a better position for the group photo. Get a life reporters!

The demonstrations at the G20 meeting appear to be getting out of hand.

I did not get home until 1300. Kim was just wrapping up cleaning the house. Nancy discussed the schedule for her taking care of Ms P. Ms P will stay with her for a couple of day while we are in Gaylord. She will also take Ms P for a week when we take AJ back to CA on 21 Jul.

Speaking of Ms P we took her on a short walk. It was too hot for a longer walk. Temp was in mid 80s.

We picked Missy and AJ up at the airport at 1730. Their flights from LA were all on time. Missy uses Uber to get to and from the airport. She is a big fan of Uber.

It is now 1850, I am sitting on the deck. We will head out for dinner at 1700. We have not yet decided on a restaurant.

We decided on LaLaguna Mexican Restaurant near the condo. Everyone enjoyed the food. LaLaguna was the busiest we have ever seen it. It seems to be building a good reputation for good Mexican food.

After AJ was in bed we grabbed a glass of wine and spent the rest of the evening on the deck. Pleasant temperature and a full moon. We even saw a deer running across our yard.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Thursday July 6, 2017

Blog time 1135 at Panera

The absolute great weather continues. Sun and high 60s early this morning, heading to 90 later. Nancy was out early for her swim. I left home at 0820 and pedaled the seven miles to the Y.

The weather is so nice the Y had several classes outside.

We have a busy afternoon. Missy and AJ are coming tomorrow so we have to get the downstairs bath and bedroom ready. That means I must move my stuff out of the bathroom. After yesterdays experience with the single speed’s ability to climb hills vs the Bad Boy, I am taking the Bad Boy in and getting the original tires put back on. These tires carry 90psi vs 60psi now. At 1800 we are meeting the Horlings at the Texas Road House for dinner. After we are coming back to our condo for dessert.

President Trump’s meeting with Russian leader Putin dominates the news. The news folks are also speculating about potential conflicts between POTUS and German leader Merkel. POTUS did get a great reception in Poland. Is North Korea really a major threat to the US?

From the Daily Mail a photo of Indian rescuers pulling a goat out of a 15 foot Python. Love these stories.

Canada wants to ban cars with gas engines in 20 years. Volvo announces that they will cease making gas engines for their cars soon. Is this the end of the internal combustion engine? Not in my lifetime.

I did take my Bad Boy to Ada Bike and got new high pressure tires. Actually, they are the same size as the original tires. Also purchased a neat bike rack.

Met the Horlings at the Longhorn for dinner. We all had a steak. No complaints. After dinner we gathered at our condo for dessert, cheesecake with strawberries. Great evening.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Wednesday July 5, 2017

Blog time 0936 at Panera

Another nice sunny day in GR. This is normally a Breakfast Club Wednesday but today’s meeting was cancelled because many folks are out of town.

Nancy headed out to a class at MVP early this morning. She is working at the Garden’s this afternoon.

I got on the single speed and headed to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I will go on a nice long ride.

Did you know that head lice is most prevalent among youngsters that take group cell phone photos. Apparently putting heads together to get the group photo facilitates the spread. This important news from the U.K.

I think I have commented on how much I like my 12” iPad Pro. The clarity of the screen is amazing, especially when viewing photos. I also bought an Apple Pencil to use with the ipad. I have been experimenting with drawing using the pencil. It works great.

The US is not the only country worried about Russian election hacking. Germany and several other EU countries have upcoming 2017 elections and they are worried about Russian hacking. Isn’t there an easy way to put an end to this intrusion?

3/5 of nonworking men are on Federal disability benefits. Men able to work should be given an incentive to get them back to work.

After Panera I headed home dropped off my backpack and headed out on a bike ride. My ride today included several big hills. I was testing the single speed’s ability to get up these hills. No problems!

My single speed has a gear ratio of 2.1. The higher the ratio the further you travel with a single revolution of the pedals. Of course it take more energy. To negotiate today’s hill using my Bad Boy I need a gear ratio 1.2. I could not make it up these hills using a GR of 2.1 on the Bad Boy. I think tire width and air pressure make a big difference. Tire pressure on the single speed is 110 psi. On the Bad Boy it is 60 psi. The ride today was 16 miles.

My last activity before lunch was a walk around the block. Showered and then had lunch. This afternoon I did two loads of laundry and ironed several pair of khakis.

Nancy said the Gardens was crowded this afternoon.

Light dinner then watched the news, took a short walk before watching an Agatha Raisin mystery on Acorn. Nancy went to bed early so I watched a western on Netflix.

It is summer so I don’t have to ask folks if they achieved their 30 minutes outside. Right?

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tuesday July 4, 2017

Blog time 2150 sitting in den relaxing after a busy Fourth

Alarm goes off at 0630 and we get up and get ready to attend the Hollyhock Lane Parade in our old GR neighborhood.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee, picked up Nancy’s friend Kathi and headed to the Parade. We talked to a lot of old neighbors. The Parade has not changed since we started attending in 1974, pure American.

After the Parade we headed to the Matchbox Restaurant, located at old Brandywine, for breakfast. The waiting list was so long we ended up at Kathi’s. We finished some quiche she had in her fridge. It was very good.

At home we took Ms P on her walk. Lunch and then I took a three mile walk.

At 1630 Nancy and I headed out for the Gardens. We are working at the Garden’s Summer Tuesday night concert. This concert is free to members and features local talent.

I was surprised how crowded the concert was. Over 1400 attended. I was on my feet for over two hours. As soon as my shift was over I bought a beer and two hot dogs. Nancy was selling tickets and she had to work 45 minutes longer.

I liked the music. Just a great evening to sit outside and enjoy a concert.

Hope everyone had a great Fourth!!

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Monday July 3, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Another nice sunny Summer’s day. Temp was 68 when I got on bike and headed to Y. Traffic was very light. Most sensible folks took the day off.

Noted a lot of families at the Y this morning. I am going file a complaint with the Y today because their sprinklers are turned on while I am inside. My bike is wet and I get wet when I unhook it.

French President Macron is certainly getting a lot of favorable new coverage. Being young does not hurt. However, he might start getting some serious heat when he tries to get his legislation passed. He is calling for some drastic changes to French labor laws. The unions certainly won’t like them. It needs to be done in order to get France’s economy moving.

Do you think they will start calling the leaders of Europes three major countries the 3Ms. Merkel of Germany, Macron of France and May of the UK?

The US Navy had been sailing Naval ships close to China’s disputed island in the South China Sea. China is having a hissy fit. Tough!

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco for supplies. Costco was not busy.

The change oil light went off on the Taurus so I took it in. I thought with the 4th tomorrow that they would close early and I would not be able to get the work done. Surprise! They had a full complement working so no problem.

We took Ms P on her daily walk as soon as I got home.

A lot of news lately about Bitcoins. I still don’t know what a bitcoin is or how it works.

At my Dentist, Dermatologist and Ford dealer the only TV channel they have on is HGTV. It must be very popular.

Some observations on summer. 80 is the best temperature. We have a cornucopia of fresh fruit. Tonight we had cantaloupe, cherries and grapes.

Watched two episodes of Loch Ness on Acorn before turning in.

A lot of fireworks going off tonight and Ms P is going bonkers. She settled down about midnight when the noise stopped.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Sunday July 2, 2017

Weekend Update: July 2, 1715 sitting in living room watching it rain

Saturday July 1: Another nice summer day. Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. Most folks must be out of town for the 4th because the place was empty.

At home I put on my biking clothes and headed out. I loaded the single speed in the Escape and drove to Millennium Park. This is my first ride in Millennium in 2017. The trails were crowded with a lot of families. I rode 18 miles.

Millennium is an example of good urban planning. The park before development was played out gravel pits, numerous small working oil wells and several high voltage lines that traverse it. The planners made fishing and swimming areas out of the old gravel pits. The paved trails avoid the oil wells. The lakes yesterday were crowded with swimmers, kayakers and fishermen. Several new trails have opened since my last ride. The park is a jewel.

Of course while I enjoyed my bike ride Nancy was doing the laundry.

Nancy and I took Ms P on her walk. I think her torn ACL has healed. Shower and then lunch. Spent some time reading the papers. Not much to comment on. I think most news folks are taking a break.

Nancy and I met Tom and Linda Moleski at Charlie’s for dinner. Tom and I had their smelt basket and Nancy and Linda had a sandwich. Pleasant evening.

Got word this afternoon that Grandson Lucas had hit his first home run. Debbie face timed us and we spent some time catching up. We watched an episode of Hamish McBeth on Acorn before turning in.

Sunday July 2: Up at 0630 and get ready for our busy morning. We were waiting in line when the Y opened at 0800. Nancy swam and I did calisthenics and a mile run.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee. At 1000 we headed to Trinity Lutheran for their 1030 service. I told Nancy that I thought the service would be crowded despite it being a holiday weekend. I was right.

We stopped at Meijer's for supplies. I filled up the Escape. Gas was $2.29.

I took a walk around the block before lunch followed by my Sunday nap.

We forgot to get apples this morning so I got on my bike and headed to Meijer’s. I made it home just as it was starting to rain.

Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. Love beans and rice.

Read the GRP and watched an episode of Jack Taylor on Netflix before turning in.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Friday June 30, 2017

Blog time 1145 at Panera

Today is the last day of my favorite month, June. Do most folks have a favorite month?

It was almost seventy when I left this morning. Humid and it looked like rain but I did not encounter any.

Same old boring news but several stories in the London papers I found interesting:

It has been 20 years since the UK returned Hong Kong to China. I spent five enjoyable days R and R in Hong Kong in 1964. The island was still British. We could not visit mainland China. Traffic control in Hong Kong was performed by the famed Gurkha’s of the British Army. I had several suits made in HK. Toured famous HK harbor, took the ferry to Kowloon a small piece of land that the British controlled on the mainland.

It was reported in the Daily News that NASA has denied running a child slave colony on Mars.

Today ENR, engineering news record, commented on the proposed budget for the Civil Works section of the US Army Corps of Engineers. The budget proposed major cuts to major waterway projects like locks and harbors. Michigan badly needs a new lock at the Soo. President Trump keeps talking about major infrastructure improvements but the cuts to the Corps budget don’t support this.

The President talks about having the private sector finance the infrastructure improvements. Is this a good idea? Indiana just fired the private company that had a contract to design, build, operate and maintain a section of interstate. The project was two years behind schedule. The State’s DOT will take over the project.

A simple way to finance roads and bridges is to just raise the gas tax. Yet nary a word from the Administration.

Afternoon activities, took Ms P on her walk, rearranged our basement storage racks and spent some time removing spider webs from our front entrance.

I sent a check to the Alpena Sports Hall of Fame for a membership. I just received a copy of the HOF book. Very interesting.

Nancy grilled chicken and veggies for dinner tonight. Very good. Took a walk around the block and then watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.