Friday, August 1, 2014

Friday August 1, 2014

Friday August 1, 2014: This is my second attempt at today’s blog. I am having problems when I write the blog using the blogger template. I am now using Pages now to write the blog. This morning I did not go swimming but instead took a bike ride. I rode the Ada Drive route which took 1h20m. Later, Nancy and AJ visited the library and I make a bank run. This afternoon we visited the GR Museum. They are having a Lego exhibition. It is amazing what you can do with Legos. The Museum was very crowded. For dinner AJ, Nancy and Bob went to Russ’s on Plainfield. We met the Moleskis. Nancy found a piece of glass in her salad. She got a cut in her mouth. The girls have been complaining about Ms P’s smell. We all grabbed Ms P and gave her a good bath. Debbie facetimed us tonight and Missy called AJ. Our electronics are busy. AJ is watching a show on Once Upon a Time that Nancy recorded earlier. Nancy and I will watch Elementary that was recorded last night. Can you believe that today is the first of August. Summer is almost over and yet we have not had a 90 degree day. In July we had only 7 days with temperatures above average. I hope everyone is getting their 30 minutes outside in each day.

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