Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday August 25, 2014

Monday August 25, 2014 I got up this morning at 0615. After a quick at-home routine I got on the bike and took a 90 minute ride. It was hot and humid. After my shower I got in the C2 and ran some errands. My first stop was Macatawa Bank. I have cannot open my accounts at Macatawa. The web site will not open. The folks at the bank gave me some ideas. After the bank I headed to Breton Village. Fitzgerald’s is having their after summer sale. I saw nothing that I liked. I stopped at Starbucks to get a coffee and read the WSJ. Ferguson,, MO is now old news but the Middle East still dominates. The folks in DC are talking about taking air strikes into Syria. If we strike ISIS in Syria we will be helping Assad the original Bad Guy. I think we should just hold up our hands and say we are outa here. That’s what I would do. After a quick lunch I downloaded some recent pictures from Nancy’s camera. It has been awhile since I did a financial report for Nancy and Bob. I spent some time assembling this data. We had a light dinner tonight. It is now 2022 and Nancy is getting all the photos I just downloaded arranged and modified. We have been running the AC all day. This is about the third time this summer we have had it on. The temperature is now 82 with a humidity of 84. That is very sticky. At 2100 we will watch another episode of Happy Valley on Netflix.

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