Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday August 26, 2014

Tuesday August 26, 2014 It was dark and gloomy when I got up at 0630 today. The weather app on the iphone said no rain but WoodTV said rain all morning. I decided that it would not rain on my parade. I got on the bike and headed to Panera to get my morning coffee and read the WSJ. At 0930 I got back on the bike and pedaled to MVP. Today I swam 600 meters in 30 minutes using the breaststroke. This is much slower that when I use the crawl. After the swim I pedaled home without getting caught in any rain. I had a quick lunch and then started washing some outside windows. As soon as I started we had a big thunder storm roll through. I did get the north side windows washed. It was so dark I thought I should take a nap. After the nap I emailed a spread sheet to WF. The stock market continues to baffle me. With all the problems in the world it still goes up. Go figure! I paid a lot of bills this afternoon. I grabbed Ms P and walked to the mail box. The mail box is exactly 0.5 miles from the condo. Nancy fixed a chicken breast and corn on the cob for dinner. It was tasty. It is now 1945 and I am sitting in my office writing this blog. We still have not had a 90 degree day this summer. Our DirectTV is about $30 cheaper than Comcast. However, when the thunderboomers rolled through this afternoon we lost TV for about 10 minutes. Tomorrow is Nancy’s birthday. Did you know that tomorrow I will have known Nancy for 18, 240 days. A little math problems for readers. I hope everyone is getting their 30 minutes outside everyday. This date in 1938, Ossineke, Mi. Today GGF noted that it was cool in the morning but started warming at noon. He let Lori B have 8 dozen corn cobs he had picked this morning. GGF worked in the PO in the afternoon. After dinner he drove with his grandson David Johnson to Poppinoills to look over some timber land.

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