Saturday, August 16, 2014

Friday August 15, 2014

Friday August 15, 2014 Today was sunny and cool. We have had a cool week. Night temperatures have been in the 40s and 50s. Fall is coming, our sunrise is now 0649. Today I slept in until almost 0700. I did the at home routine and then got on my bike and rode for 90 minutes. I did the Thornapple River, Fulton, Spaulding, Cascade route. My legs still are having trouble with the hills. Next week I will bike on the White Pine Trail and see if I have better times than earlier this year. White Pine is a flat trail. After the ride I showered and then headed to a local coffe shop to sample their coffee and read the WSJ. The place was small and the coffee shop is combined with a ice cream store. I will try it again. Today I had some errands to run. I stopped at “Bed, Bath and Beyond and bought a cabinet that sits ove the toliet. It is for the downstairs basement. I then stopped at Home Deport and bought some more shelves for the storage room. I also bought hangers so I can put up a clothes line in the storage room for Nancy. Nancy bought a chicken for dinner. We sat outside on the deck. Outside is good. I spent a lot of time putting up the shelves in the storage room and the cabinet for the downstairs bathroom. I did not finish the cabinet until 2300 last night. I am taking pills to get up right eyelid to stay up. Sometimes I get double vision. I had a tough time using a screw driver. However, I did get the cabinet assembled. Instead of going directly to bed I turned on the TV and watched an old Coen Brother movie. I finally turned in at midnight.

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