Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday August 28, 2014

Thursday August 28, 2014 I will have to start going to bed earlier. Our free HBO will end next month so that should help. I got up at 0700 and after the at-home stuff I pedaled to Panera for coffee and the WSJ. I have been reading the WSJ on my mini. It is great because it is in color with photos. However, with my recent eye problem I have problems reading the mini with the bright lights at Panera. Also the font is too small. So today I ordered the WSJ on my Kindle. The type on the Kindle is easier to read in a bright area. Also I can really increase the font size. After Panera I pedaled to MVP for my 30’ swim. The pool was nearly empty. I really like the MVP pool. I have had no nose or ear problems that I had at the old MAC pool. I really like the cooler water. MVP has a thermal pool for the old folks. Nancy and I went to Costco this afternoon. Nancy had to buy some supplies for Saturday night. Gas at Costco was $3.30. Last week I broke a pair of glasses. I drove downtown and picked them up. Later, I got out the ladder and finished washing the outside windows. I finished the afternoon with a 30’ nap. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner Nancy stopped at Talbots. She bought several items. Today was another perfect day. Temps in the mid 70s with blue sky. Can you believe it high school football season starts tonight. I recently read that students must pay $295 for season tickets to the UM games. I think when I was in school you got in with your student ID. While in CA recently I bought a bottle of single malt scotch. The scotch is called Springbank and is brewed in my GGF’s home town of Campbeltown, Scotland. I will have a sample later.

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