Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday August 3, 2014

Sunday August 3, 2014: Another nice sunny day in GR. The alarm went off at 0700 and I got up and headed to MVP for a swim. Nancy stayed home. After the swim I headed home and we loaded up the Taurus and headed to Meijer’s. Becuase of our trip to CA this week we did not need many supplies. AJ did get a donut. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I took a short nap and then AJ, Nancy and I headed to a Cascade Twp park. AJ liked the park. After a short rest AJ, Ms P and I took a short walk. Nancy fixed fried chicken drumsticks for dinner. We also had fresh green beans and potato salad. Very tasty. We are spending a quiet night at home.

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