Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tuesday August 19,, 2014

Tuesday August 19, 2014 It was raining when I stepped out the door so I drove to MVP. On my way I stopped at Panera to get some coffee and read the paper. Ferguson, MO and the Middle East still dominate the news. Today I swam for 30 minutes. I only did the breast stroke with no shoulder pain. We had some heavy thunder storms rolls through this afternoon. Ms P went bananas. I could not even take my nap. Debbie called this afternoon and said our phones were out. We called ATT and got the phones back in service. I spent about two hours getting rid of a lot of old files that I have had for years. I put all the old files in a storage bin. I now have plenty of room in my file cabinet. I really don’t file too many items. Tonight Nancy and I are working at the concert at Meijer Gardens. I hope I don’t get too wet. Stay tuned. It rained all around us but no rain for the concert. We did not stay for the concert. We had our picnic dinner at home.

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