Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday August 21, 2014

Thursday August 21, 2014 Today will be my 1,835 posting. I am surprised I lasted this long. I slept in this morning until 0700. I did the at home routine and then took a 90 minute bike ride. After the ride I called Chic’s Frame Shop in the McKay Tower. The owner Larry (I called him Polish Larry) was still working. I showered and loaded up three pictures that Nancy wants modified so they will fit in the kitchen. Nancy’s mother had three antique flour bags from a local GR mill. Nancy had them framed and they hung in the kitchen at 1555 for many years. However, the background clashes with our condo’s kitchen. I wanted Larry to put a new background around the bags. He picked an appropriate color and will have the frames ready next week. I had not seen Larry in several years. He is now 65 but has no intention of retiring. We had a good talk. Larry did have one comment on my drooping eyelid. He said it might be caused by Agent Orange. Larry is active in the Vietnam Veterans local group. I will ask at my next appointment. I did take a short nap. For the first time this week Nancy and I will have dinner at home. We will read the GRP and watch some Netflix or TV.

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