Monday, August 4, 2014

Monday August 4, 2014

Monday August 4, 2014 Nancy and Bob have a busy day scheduled. Up at 0645 and after the calisthenics I got on the bad boy and took a new short route today. It took only 50 minutes but had some first class hills. Nancy had a 1000 denist appointment. AJ and I got in the C2 and headed to the 4H fair in Lowell. The place was jammed I had a hard time finding a parking place. AJ liked all the farm animals. They had a petting area and she spent a lot of time petting all the animals. We walked through every barn. For lunch we had an elephant ear and pop. The big disappointment was that the midway rides did not start until 1700. After four hours we headed home. I was tired but AJ was still fired up. When we purchased the condo we inherited a charcoal filter. The filter was suppose to remove chlorine from the water. I like chlorine so I asked the supplier to remove the filter. The service man came this afternoon and talked me out of removing the filter. Instead he turned the filter off and turned on a bypass valve. The plumbing for the filter is complicated. When we get back from CA I will try to figure out the plumbing and maybe remove the filter. The weather continues sunny and warm. We need rain. Today is the 75th birthday of my childhood friend “Tommy Collins”. Tom now lives in San Clemente, CA. He returns to Alpena about once a year. Tom and his wife were in Panama the ssme time Nancy and I were. Kim came and picked up Ms P today. I think Ms P was happy to leave. She has trouble with competition.

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