Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday August 22, 2014

Friday August 22, 2014 Another warm humid day but surprisingly no rain. After the at home routine I got on the bike and headed to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the paper. I left at 0930 and pedaled to MVP. The pool was empty today. I did 30 minutes of the breast stroke. It takes me 25 minutes to pedal from the condo to MVP. Recently I read that this year is the 50th anniversary of the Beatles first US Tour. The Beatles were in San Francisco on August 19, 1964. I remember it well because I had just landed in SF from Vietnam and needed to get a taxi or bus from the airport to the US Navy base on Treasure Island. Not a bus or taxi was to be had because they were tied up taking folks to the Beatles concert at the Cow Palace. Nancy had a appointment today with the surgeon who will remove her saliva gland. The surgery is scheduled for the end of September. After lunch I ran some errands. My first stop was ACE Hardware to get a new 4 ft long bulb for a downstairs light fixture. I then drove downtown to pick up three pictures that Chic’s had just re-framed. They are now ready for hanging in the kitchen. For dinner tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Brann’s. Brann’s is less that 1/2 mile from our condo. We both had a salad. The downstairs has been very humid lately so I turned on the dehumidifier. I was surprised how much water it has pulled from the air. It has made a big difference in just a short time. We will watch some TV before turning in. Last night we watched an episode of “The Politician’s Wife”. I think it is the British version of House of Cards.

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