Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday August 24, 2014

Sunday August 24, 2014 Up at 0700 and get ready for our Sunday swim. After the swim we did our shopping at Meijer’s. Gas was $3.45 per gallon. The Kraft Ave Meijer’s must be upscale because they do not have any National Enquirers on sale. Bummer, I alway like to read the headlines. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had my eggs on a waffle. I took my nap and then Ms P and I went on a mile walk. I spent the rest of the afternoon moving filing cabinets and getting my office just the way I want it. The news had a lot of coverage on the Napa, CA earthquake. I called Debbie to see if it impacted her house. Debbie spent the weekend in the LA area so she did not feel the quake. She talked with several friends and they said the impact in San Jose was very minor. Good News. Nancy fixed hot dogs and baked beans for dinner. I love both hot dogs and baked beans. After watching the news I headed downstairs and spent an hour rearranging my file system. It is perfect. It is now 2024 and I will take a short walk. Nancy and I like Unforgettable. It is on at 2100.

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