Thursday, August 14, 2014

Thursday August 14, 2014

Thursday August 14, 2014: In yesterday’s blog I forgot to mention all the work we have been doing getting lamps and tables for the condo. Yesterday afternoon we met with our finance guy and he said we are ok at least for the next year. Today I woke up at 0600. I did the in home routine and then pedaled to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. I hope we don’t get bogged down again in the Middle East. All the inter tribal fighting and the conflict within Islam make it too complicated for most folks. At 0930 I got back on the bike and headed to MVP. Today I had to share a lane. MVP’s lanes are too narrow for sharing. I think I over extended my shoulder when using the crawl stroke. My arm fell asleep probably indicating a pinched shoulder nerve. Next swim I will use only the breast stroke. When I got home Kim was cleaning the condo. Nancy and I got in the Taurus and ran some errands. (yes Ms P was included) Our first stop was Gorman‘ furniture. We are looking for a kitchen table and chairs. Gorman’s did not have any thing that met our needs. The same for Watson’s our second stop. After a quick lunch I spend most of the afternoon cleaning my desk, and getting my files in order. I also spent some time talking to the gas and electric companies. They got all mixed up on our July bills. What should have been charged to Mackinaw was instead charged to Tahoe, etc. I was on hold for over an hour. I think we finally got things squared away. We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We ate outside. After dinner we stopped by GR Lighting and bought a ceiling lamp for our foyer. Next we stopped at Art Van’s and bought a kitchen table and chairs. Nancy had a productive evening. Last night the temperature dipped down to the 50s. It was sunny today but the high was only 73. Next week the temps are suppose to be in the 90s.

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