Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday July 31, 2014

Thursday July 31, 2014: The last day of July, the summer is almost gone. This morning I got up at 0645 and after the at home routine I got on the Bad Boy and pedaled to Panera to get coffee and read the WSJ. I left at 0915 so I could make the 0955 pool time. I swam 30 minutes. It is 28 minutes from Tahoe to MVP. I came right home after the swim. At noon Nancy and AJ headed to Kathi’s house for a pool party. I loaded Ms P in the C2 and headed to the Vets. The Vet was behind schedule so I had to hold Ms P for 45 minutes. Ms P got her rabies shot. I took the shot certificate to the Kent County Animal Shelter and renewed her license for three years. I got a call today from the Doctor’s office saying my recent catscan showed a normal chest. Good news. I emptied the garage of all the carboard boxes left over from the move and headed to the recycle center. On the way I stopped at the post office to get a stop mail form. We are heading to LA next week for several days. Nancy and AJ got home about 1700. We had a light dinner. It is now 2055 and AJ is talking to Missy. Bed time will come soon.

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