Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday July 27, 2014

Finally I am caught up. I can start writing daily blogs. I did forget to mention in my previous multi day blog that last Thursday or maybe Wednesday I was called by Barb at SCECO (LSE) about the River Street Bridge project. It has been a long time since I visited the Office and it was good to see Barb, Ryan and Fred. Sunday: I went swimming today. Nancy stayed home with AJ. After the swim I headed home and we loaded up the Taurus and headed to Meijer's. AJ's sweet tooth was acting up so we bought her a donut. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took a nap and Nancy and AJ went shopping. After the nap I spent some time going through all the equipment that came with the condo. The previous owner did not like chlorine in his water so he bought a charcoal filter. The filter was expensive and I do not think it is necessary. I will call the supplier and have him shut it off. I like chlorine. I spent several hours cleaning off my desk and paying bills. We plan on spending a quiet evening at home. AJ will continue her art project and us big folks will read the GRP. Nancy is fixing sloppy joes for dinner. Tomorrow the window shades will be installed.

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