Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tuesday July 29, 2014

Today ends Bob and Nancy's 41 year association with 1555 Mackinaw. I got up at 0630 and did calisthenics at 50% because I am meeting a trash hauler at 0800. We had a lot of items that were not sold or wanted by Goodwill. Nancy and I piled all this trash in the garage. I called the hauler at 0800 and he said that he was running late. I took advantage of the spare time to stop at the Hall Street Bakery for coffee and to purchase four cookies that were made yesterday and sold at 50%. I also stopped by the recycling center to unload my trunk of cardboard boxes. The trash man arrived at 1000 and it took him about 30 minutes to load his truck. I left the garage door opener on a shelf in the garage and drove off. 1555 Mackinaw is now history. Nancy and AJ visited a Cascade Twp Park and I got on my bike and took a bike ride around the neighbor. Nancy scheduled a horse back riding for AJ this afternoon. The riding stable is located on Patterson south of 76th. Nancy and I think AJ enjoyed her ride. We might do it again. I continue to clean my desk. I called Blue Cross to provide them with my new address. It took almost 30 minutes. For dinner tonight Nancy made ham and turkey sandwich. We also had potato salad. Nancy's sister, Peg, had surgery today to remove a brain tumor. The surgery took all day. Nancy was told that everything went well. Our prayers go out to Peg.

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