Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wednesday July 30, 2014

Wednesday July 30, 2014: Today is my easy day so I slept in until 0715. After a quick breakfast I took a 90 minutes bike ride. Todays route was Tahoe, Thornhills, 28th St, Cascade, Thornapple River Drive, Buttrick, 36th St, Cascade and home. This is a very hilly and scenic route. I had to use the granny gear several times. My other route, so far, includes Ada Drive and Spaulding. This also is a 90 minute ride. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. AJ and I went to a movie, How to Train Your Dinosaur, Part 2. AJ liked it but I gave it a C. After the movie it looked like rain so we headed home. At 1600 AJ, Ms P and I jumped in the Taurus and headed to the Gardens. Nancy’s shift ended at 1630. For dinner tonight we ate at Russ’s. Russ’s comfort food hit the spot. Our backward was a golf course. Tonight Ms P and I took a nice stroll along the fairways. We will watch some TV before turning in.

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