Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday April 30, 2014

We had some light rain this morning. I attended Breakfast Club. We had a good turnout. All the snowbirds are back. The speaker today was the GR City attorney. She talked about all the confusion regarding GR, MI and the USA marijuana laws. It is really confusing for law enforcement officials. She gave a great talk. When I got home the dry wall man was working away in the bathroom. We also asked him to fixed a spot in the master bedroom. He is now done except for sanding the new surface. He will do that on Friday. Nancy had a 0945 appointment with the knee doctor today. She is having a series for three shots. The shots are a week apart. We hope the shots reduce the pain. The painter also finished touching up the front door. He gave us an estimate for painting the bathroom. We said ok and he will start next week. We have some books in the basement that might have some value. A neighbor runs a used book store in Eastown and I showed him the books. He said they had no value. At 1300 I drove to Dr Yurko's office. Today she is removing a spot on my leg that the bioscopy showed had some cancer cells. It took less than 30 minutes. It took about 5 stitches to sew it up. I was told to take it easy until the stitches come out. No swimming, long walks for bike rides. Bummer! We will have a light dinner. TV and Netflix are on the docket for tonight.

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