Thursday, April 3, 2014

Wednesday April 2, 2014

Wednesday April 2, 2014 Breakfast Club Wednesday and I am up at 0600. Today’s program was about an upcoming City ballot proposal to increase funds for street improvements. The cold winter has destroyed our roads. GR is the pothole capital of MI. I think the ballot proposal will easily pass. After BC I stopped at home to get Nancy. We headed to MVP. I had a quick lunch and then took Nancy to Meijer’s Garden. It is a beautiful day so the Gardens will be busy. My computer guru stopped by this afternoon and fixed my HP decktop. I needed to run some windows programs for a project. Picked up Nancy at 1645 and we headed to Kingma’s to buy some cheese. The cheese is the same type as Missy purchased for us in Cleveland. We are having some serious plaster problems in our kid’s bathroom. It is caused by some moisture getting in the attic. I got the ladder out and inspected the attic. I could not find the source. I want to have the plaster fixed before we sell the house. We had the ceiling light burn out in so I headed to Rylee’s. Rylee’s did not have a replacement. Light dinner and then watched some TV.

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