Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday April 3, 2014

Up at 0630 and followed my normal routine. Today Nancy did not go to MVP. At MVP I did some chin-ups and used the treadmill. Tomorrow I will try swimming. After MVP I stopped at GR Lighting to get some bulbs for our ceiling light in Kid's bathroom. The new bulbs did not work so I assumed the fixture is not working. I called Phil Dougherty, our electrician, and he is stopping by tomorrow to see what is wrong. The ceiling plaster is deteriorating near the fixture. I think moisture is the problem. I inspected the attic yesterday and could not find where the water was coming from. I know I will have to repair both the fixture and plaster before we sell the house. Bummer! After lunch we all got in the Taurus and headed to Woodlawn Mall. Nancy had to return some purchases. When we got home I bundled up and took a two mile walk. It was cold and blustery. We are under a winter weather advisory. In ten minutes I am taking Nancy to the salon to get her hair cut. Before coming home we will stop at Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We got a paper copy of the GRP today. I will read the paper, watch news and a Netflix show before heading upstairs.

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