Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday April 6, 2014

Quick weekend update: Saturday April 5, 2014, pedaled to Omelette Shop for oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I pedaled around Reeds Lake, twice, a total distance of 15 miles. After a shower I started running errands. Rylee's for leaf bags, looked for walking shoes in small store in Eastown, I did not buy any. Stopped at Chow Hound to get Ms P some dry food. Purchased at swim suit at Gazelle and finally stopped at Lowe's to see if there was a magic solution to our moisture problem in the bathroom. I spent about an hour outside raking leaves and picking up tree branches. I even had time to take a quick nap. Nancy and I had dinner at Applebee's. I took a 1 mile walk and then we watched a new show on Netflix. It is about a women detective in Australia during the 20s. We liked it. Sunday April 6, 2014 Up at 0700 and in the pool by 0800. My shoulder is still suspect so I only swam 1,000 meters. We got our weekly supplies at Meijer's. Gas was $3.61. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and then took a short nap. Today the temperature was in the mid 50s with bright sunshine. I spent some time picking up more branches and putting new pedals on my hybrid. I also took a 12 mile bike ride. Tonight Nancy is fixing ham and scallop potatoes for dinner. We will read the GRP and watch 60 Minutes before heading upstairs. Spring has arrived at last!!!!

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