Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday April 21, 2014

Monday April 21, 2014: Happy Birthday Cousin Betty. Cousin Betty is a year and a day older than I am. She now splits her time between Alaska and Flordia. When I high school, Cousin Betty was the telephone operator who told me after I repeatedly tried to phone some young lady that she was not home. This news soon went public much to my chargin. Did you know that I was in charge of the Captain’s chocolate Easter egg hunt on Midway Island? This was one of my collateral duties. All Navy Ensigns are assigned collateral duty. I had to buy the eggs in Hawaii and have them shipped to Midway. The Captain’s wife kept calling me to make sure I did not screw up. Senior Enlisted men and all Officiers could bring there families to Midway. If they did their tour was 18 months instead of 12 monthes like us unattached folks. Nancy is taking the week off to let her knee heal. After the at-home routine I rode my bike to MVP. It is 4.5 miles. I swam 1,200 meter today. I stopped at Breton Village on my way home to drink some coffee and read the WSJ. This afternoon I called a retirement home to schedule at tour. We are going May 5. I also called a plasterer we have used before to get an estimate for some work we want done in the kid’ bathroom. Nancy has been going through closets and tossing a lot of items. This weeks trash is very heavy. It is now 1530 and I am going to take a short nap. Stay tuned! It reached 75 today. It was 47 when I got on the bike this morning and I was over dressed. When I left MVP I had taken two layer off. It was nice and warm so Ms P and I walked a mile. Light dinner tonight and then some TV. We are going to watch the last episode of Ms Fisher.

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