Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday April 14, 2013

We put the compression shirt on Ms P last night because of potential thunder storms. We had rain but no thunder or lightning. When I went out at 0500 it was 65. It is now 1755 and the temperature is 41. Snow is expected this evening. It was a normal Monday. After coffee at Hall Street I picked up Nancy at 0930 and headed to MVP. Nancy did the machines and I swam 1100 meters. After MVP we stopped at Spectrum Health on Lake Dr to pick up some preparation instructions for my colon test on Wednesday. The first thing I noticed was no solid foot on Tuesday. Nancy and I then stopped at a card shop in Gaslight Village to get a birthday card for Ed Namey. Kim came today and she was still cleaning when we got home about 1200. I made a trip to D&W in Gaslight to buy some prep materials. I went back to Hall Street to get a coffee and finish reading the WSJ. Called my skin doctor to make an appointment to have a spot removed. This afternoon I called a plaster repair man. I want him to stop by and give me an estimate to fix a bathroom ceiling. I also called our health insurance company to see why a prescription was not paid for. I made a request for a formal review. I finished the afternoon by taking Ms P around the block and then walking two miles. Another quiet evening at home. No good TV shows so we will watch Netflix.

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