Saturday, April 5, 2014

Friday April 4, 2104

Up at 0630 and followed normal routine. I did read an article in the WSJ about the resignation of a silicon valley CEO who stepped down because he gave $1.000 to the CA proposal to ban gay marriage. What ever happened to free speech? Nancy did not go to MVP today because her knee is still bothering her. My shoulder is still acting up so I swam only 1,000 meters. This afternoon Phil Dougherty stopped by to fix our ceiling fixture in the kid's bathroom. I also asked him about our plaster problem in the bathroom. He did not know what was causing deterioration. Nancy and I made a quick run to Costco. The place was empty. Is it because today is the first day of spring break? I took a two mile walk before dinner. Nancy cooked a batch of spaghetti sauce in the crock pot. We had it for dinner.

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