Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday April 28, 2014

Up at 0630 and the wind was really blowing. The weather folks said there was a 90% chance of rain. Based on this I drove to MVP this morning. Nancy's knee was bothering her so she did not go. I swam my 1100 meters today. President Obama's foreign policy has really been savaged by the WSJ. I really think that his options are limited. Should we care what the rest of the world thinks? Nancy spent the morning cleaning out the basement. This afternoon I called a painter and our attorney regarding our new purchase. The painter stopped by this afternoon and he will start painting the our main door tomorrow. The dry wall contractor started working on repairs to the bathroom ceiling this afternoon. I am using my side of the garage for a temporary storage area. The Cobalt will remain outside. I will move stuff from the basement that I want to move to the condo. I also brought up all the material Nancy tossed this morning. I will put it out at the curb tomorrow. I think it will takes us about a week the get the house ready for a showing. We will have a light dinner tonight. We will watch the news and Netflix. We are both tired so it will be an early night.

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