Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday April 7, 2014

Monday April 7, 2014 Up at 0630 and do the at-home thing and then coffee at Hall Street Bakery. Pick up Nancy at 0930 and we head to MVP. I swam 1,000 meters today. My nose clip was not put on properly so I swallowed a lot of water. We got home about 1130. I had a quick lunch and headed to my Doctor’s appointment. She inspected and renewed my prescription. I took a short nap and then filled out my absentee ballot. Ms P and I walked to the mailbox. Tonight Nancy and I are attending the Red Green concert. Red Green had a program on PBS. It was like a Canadian Duck Dynasty. The snow is almost all gone. Trugreen comes tomorrow to apply some fertilizer. On this date in 1938 GGF Sanborn said there was a heavy run of smelt.

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