Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Tuesday April 1, 2014 April Fool’s Day and remember Sid Finch. I fell for it hook, line and sinker. It rained last night but no rain during daylight hours today. Got up at 0630 and did the at home routine. My shoulder is still acting up so no swim today. I had coffee and Hall Street Bakery. Both Nancy and I have been distracted lately so the WSJ is not high on my list. I did read about corruption in the highest levels of the communist party in China. I found it very interesting. I also bought a package of day old scones at 50% off. At 0930 I picked up Nancy and dropped her off at the Gift Shop. I then got dressed for a bike ride. The temperature outside was 43 but with high winds. I just started my ride when I realized that I was not dressed properly. I turned around. I put on a pair of long underwear. I pedaled 15 miles in 90’. Not the best time but I thought ok because of the wind. Light lunch and then at 1330 I picked up Nancy at the hospital and headed to Jerry Dykema’s office. Jerry has been doing our taxes since 1980. On our way home we made a stop at Gaslight Village so Nancy could make a purchase. I took a short nap. Tonight we are going to St George’s Hall for hamburgs. St George’s has a special hamburg night on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We got there at 1730 and the place was jammed. St George’s has the best $5 burgers in GR. The Namey’s, Moleski’s and Tim Mast joined us. We got home in time for NCIS. We also watched NCIS/LA.

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