Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday April 27, 2014

Weekend Update and what a weekend it was! Friday April 25, 2014: It was raining Friday morning so for the first time this week I drove to MVP via the Hall Street Bakery. I know the difference between Hall Street Bakery and Kava House. Church ladies go to Hall Street and tattoo ladies go to Kava House. I swam my 1,100 meters and then hurried home. Our realtor stopped by at 1330 and we signed the papers on our official offer on the condo at 6174 Tahoe Drive. The realtor emailed the offer to the sellers. Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner. We stayed at home and watched Netflix. Saturday April 26, 2014: I slept in until almost 0830. It was to late for Bill's so I pedaled to Kava House and had coffee and scones while I read the WSJ. When I got home I loaded the bike up and headed to Millennium Park. I rode 18 miles. The grass was looking a little long so I got out the lawn mover and cut the grass. Ms P came out and is our custom I started throwing the ball to her. On one throw she misjudged the ball and it hit her on the head. It stunned her and I had to hold her to keep her from falling over. She finally recovered. I just got finished with the lawn when the realtor called and said our offer had been accepted. He stopped by and we signed some papers. Nancy and Bob can take possession on June 22. Big Game Changer!!! We ordered pizza for dinner. Watched some Netflix before heading to bed. Debbie face timed us and we told her about the big move. She gave us some good advise about moving. Ms P was stiff from all the running this afternoon so I had to carry her upstairs. We did give her some joint medicine. Sunday April 27: Alarm off at 0700 and Nancy and Bob head to MVP for our Sunday swim. The pool was not crowded. Gas at Meijer's today was $3.75 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast along with waffles. I took the Sunday afternoon nap. Ms P's harness is getting worn so I headed to the pet store and got her a new harness. I also took a two mile walk. Nancy and I have been making a list of things we must do to get ready for showing our house. We have to paint the front door, fix the bathroom ceiling and start throwing away all the junk we have accumulated over 41 years. Basically we have to titivate. Titivate is a word my old boss, Commander Tinklepaugh, on Midway Island always told me we must do. Nancy is fixing ham sandwiches and corn on the cob for dinner tonight. We will watch 60' and some Netflix before retiring.

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