Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday April 23, 2014

Wednesday April 23, 2014 Wednesday is my easy day. I slept in until 0730 today. I pedaled to Bill’s for an oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I took my new route home from Bill’s. I take Fulton to East Beltline, south on EBL to Reeds Lake Blvd and then counterclockwise around Reeds Lake. The total trip is 11.5 miles. Unlike Nancy I have not yet started cleaning closets but I did clean my office. Nancy works at the Garden’s this afternoon. When we drove into the Gardens all we could see were school buses. I bet the place is busy this afternoon. I told Nancy, she will be so busy that the time will really fly. I called several folks you had sent me birthday emails. It is always nice when people remember. Debbie got me a fitbit for my birthday. All the operating instructions are online. What ever happened to manuals. No frost last night but the temperature got down to the mid 30s. I had to layer up for my ride. Right now it is 1518 and the temperature has reached 55 with bright sun. We now have 13h46’ of daylight. We will have 15h at the summer soltise. Picked up Nancy at 1630 and she said they were busy. When we got home I took a 2 mile walk. I am surprised at the number of nice homes for sale in EGR. They do not stay on the market for more than 2 weeks. What do the young folks do for a living that they can afford a $600,000+ home? Light dinner tonight and then some TV before heading upstairs. I got my 30’ in today I hope the folks in SJLALB also spent 30’ outdoors.

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