Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tuesday April 15, 2015

We woke up to about an inch of snow on the grass today. However, Nancy and Bob still followed our normal routine. After coffee and the WSJ at Hall Street Bakery I picked up Nancy and headed to MVP. We both went swimming today. After the swim we headed home. No food for me today because I am preparing for tomorrow's colon test. At 1230 Nancy and I headed to the heart doctor. They took Nancy's blood pressure and it was only slightly high. We had brought our new monitor that we had just purchased at Costco. Using our monitor the nurse took Nancy's BP and it was high. We made several other tests and we concluded that Nancy's monitor reads high. Nancy wore a heart rate monitor for a month and the nurse told us that everything was normal. We felt good about this visit. When I got home I took Ms P around the block and myself on the two mile walk. The temperature was in the high 20s. I bundled up. At 1500 I started the cleansing routine. I started with 4 laxative pills. Nancy had a 1545 goiter Dr appointment. Her friend, Kathi, drove her. The doctor told Nancy every thing was normal. Two doctor visits today and both with good news. At 1700 I mixed a magic potion with 64 oz of a clear diet drink. I took 8 oz every 30 minutes. It was not painful but I had to stay near the facilities. We watched NCIS and then headed upstairs.

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