Sunday, May 4, 2014

Thursday May 1, 2014

Thursday May 1, 2014 Doc says no exercise until stitches removed so I slept in. Still had coffee at Hall St. Nancy has been working very hard cleaning the basement. I started running errands. I loaded up the C2 with books to take to Goodwill. Also sold 150# of dumbbell at Play It Again. To keep the stitches in place I bought some shin compression socks. My last morning stop was at Macatawa Bank to see about a bridge loan. They said it was no problem but the process time takes three weeks. After lunch we met with the realtor. He wants the house on the market in one week. Yikes! Made a run to the recycle drop off this afternoon. We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We both fell asleep watching Netflix. I am writing on my mini. It is now 2130 and we are going upstairs.

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