Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday May 5 2014

Up this morning at 0630. I ate a quick breakfast and then headed to Hall St Bakery for coffee and to read the WSJ. Mondays the WSJ seems to have a lot of foreign news. Of course there were several articles on Mr. Putin but they also had good articles on Chile and Asia. After my coffee I headed home for more cleanup. Nancy was concentrating on the two bedroom used by the girls. She did a lot of tossing. I made a trip to Goodwill and then spent the rest of the morning and afternoon cleaning my office. I threw out a lot of old class books that have no value. I also tossed a lot of class notes from the 50s. Old running shoes got the boot (no pun intended). I dusted and now the room looks presentable. At least I think so. Our Realtor will inspect the rooms before we put the house on the market. We might have to do any more cleaning. I have stored a lot of trash in the garage. I found a company with a pickup that will stop by and remove the trash. The price is reasonable. Our painter said he can start painting the bathroom on Wednesday. Don't you love it when a plan comes together. It is now 1700 and I am going on a two mile walk. I don't think walking will pull the stitches in my leg. We will have a light dinner and then watch some TV. All this cleaning and tossing is tiring so we will head upstairs early.

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