Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday May 29, 2014

I set the alarm for 0630. For the first time in several weeks I did my calisthenics. Of course I did them at 50%. I have a drooping right eyelid so this morning I went to the eye doctor. The MD eye doctor not the OD. He gave me several tests and also took some blood. I have an appointment to see a MD who specializes in eye plastic surgery. This morning an Appraiser for the buyers of our house stopped by to check out the house. Nancy said his visit lasted about 40 minutes. I am glad we do not have to get a loan. Speaking of homes, tomorrow at 1500 we will close on the condo. I had coffee at the Hall Street Bakery. I also bought a bag of day old scones. The scones are great and the day olds are 50% off. This afternoon I spent several hours arranging furniture in our condo. Using ACAD makes moving furniture around easy. The City of GR emailed me asking if I wanted another term on the GRBA. I had to tell them we are moving and will no longer live in GR. I took a short nap and ended the afternoon with a two mile walk. We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I thought we would sit outside but their deck is not ready. We had another warm sunny day. The temperature reached 80. The GRP is just a shadow of its former self. Both the print and digital editions are second rate. It took me about 15 minutes to read the paper. We will watch some TV and Netflix before retiring. We might even have to turn the AC on.

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